We want to make more room for God’s family to grow in depth and in number here at First Pres, so the elders have unanimously voted to add an additional worship opportunity on Sunday mornings starting in August. Starting Aug. 25, a contemporary service will be offered...
New discipleship opportunities for October and November
We hope by now you have plugged in to one of our Sunday morning discipleship opportunities to fuel your growth in Jesus. If you haven’t don’t worry: you can join up anytime. Starting Oct. 8, we have some new short-term, seasonal options to add to our longer-term...
The happiest place on earth? It’s not Disney.
Where’s your happy place? The beach on a warm summer day? A quiet spot at the coffeeshop where you can read uninterrupted? A party where the conversation and food are flowing? The Washington Post recently analyzed some data about where people are most happy, and the...
The one New Year’s resolution that should be on your list
Looking for the best New Year's resolution of them all? The Apostle Paul already wrote it: "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." That's what he told the church at Corinth in one of his more pointed letters....
How a Bible-reading plan can transform your spiritual growth
I have never been a huge fan of Bible-reading plans, those yearlong lists that take you through the entire Bible in a year. Truth be told, I’ve not been a fan because I’ve been so bad at using them. Year after year, I’d pick one out and then get days and weeks behind...
Taking in and writing scripture, a sentence at a time
Imagine ... Sitting at a table with a portion of scripture on one hand and a pen and paper in the other, copying out each word, each line, verse by verse. This is no exercise for a medieval monk cloistered by candlelight in a dark monastery somewhere, but rather...
The most musical Sunday of the year
Sunday was our annual Music Sunday worship service, when we hear the Christmas narrative through Scripture and song. Here are some scenes from the day, which also included our annual Christmas-cookie event between the worship services.
Who put that Bible in your hotel room, and why?
Your first introduction to the Gideons was likely in a hotel room during your travels as you noticed a Bible placed in the room by the international group. We asked Russ Lawrence, a First Pres covenant partner who volunteers with Gideons, to share more about the...
God helped him forgive his bullies and find a voice. Here’s how.
Scott Dove, one of First Pres' commissioned lay pastors and a deacon, recently shared his faith story on the podcast "What Are We Even Doing Here?" with Daryl Updike. "From being bullied as a quiet kid, to now preaching the Word of God in a few different churches, I...
Why study the Psalms?
by Mary Duryea Why select Psalms, with 150 chapters, when there are 66 books to choose from, for a brief six-week study? That question echoed in my head as I kept coming back to the decision. It made much more sense to select a short book and do the whole thing....