
A place to love to learn and learn to love

Last week, while moving my son into college, the chaplain described Grove City College as a place “to love to learn and learn to love.” That line really grabbed me because that is the kind of place I want First Pres to be.  I want us to be a place where people who...

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What is Lent, and why do we observe it?

It’s Lent. But what does that mean? Lent starts with Ash Wednesday and continues for 40 days (excluding Sundays) until Easter. It’s a period of preparation for when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Here are some common questions about the season. Why is Lent 40...

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2 ways you can be more loving

As I’ve continued to think about what it would look like for my relationship with the Lord to be “renewed,” one obvious attribute would be I’d become more loving. I say this is obvious because the great command is for us to love God with all that we are. So, of...

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Modgnik recap: Relationships & Jesus

A group of 14 middle-schoolers recently attended Modgnik, a retreat that helps students discover how Jesus' kingdom is different than the ways of the world. Kathryn Hendricksen, one of the parents who mentored the 10 girls during the weekend, sent us this reflection...

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