Sunday discipleship opportunities for all ages

Piecing Together the Great Commission
Fulfilling the Great Commission can take all kinds of forms. Even at First Pres, we support mission partners who are taking the Good News around the world in some exciting ways. From Bible translation to reaching the frontier to the biblical foundation for the Great Commission, we’ll spend five weeks hearing about some of the work. Room 200. Here’s a breakdown of each week:
- Jan. 5 and 12 – Matthew and Teresa Lee – Bible translation and use of technology in missions
- Jan. 19 – Finding the Great Commission throughout the Bible
- Jan. 26 – Bradley Long – Unreached People Groups
- Feb. 2 – Mike Robison and GM committee – What First Pres does in Global Missions / Q&A
Forgiven and Called to Forgive
Living a life of forgiveness in God’s provision and extending that forgiveness to a broken world is foundational to our Christian living. We will spend five weeks looking at God’s word to grow our understanding of what we have been forgiven and Jesus’ restoration, how God’s forgiveness should change us, how we can live a life of forgiveness and how can we extend forgiveness to others. All this to grow God’s witness and testimony through us. Facilitator: Mark Graham. Room 205.
Science & Faith
Modern Science asserts that God is no longer necessary to explain the existence of all things including life. Also, the earth is just an insignificant speck among countless specks in the universe. These assertions have weakened the faith of millions of people. This class will challenge these assertions to show the absolute necessity for God in creation of the universe, the creation of life, and the exceptionally unique nature of the planet we call home. Facilitator: Jeff Jordan. Room 201.
Back to Basics
There is a legend that Hall of Fame coach Vince Lombardi would start a new season by telling the players “Gentlemen, this is a football,” even if they had just won the Super Bowl the year before. If getting the fundamentals right is good for sports, then how much more so it is for us in our Christian lives! Join us as we begin a study of basic Christian doctrines, things you may know, but it’s still important to have a refresher. Each week we will look at topics ranging from the Bible, the Trinity, the Church, the end times and everything in between. Facilitator: Scott Dove. Room 202.
What is a Christian? (B.F. Wilson Men’s Fellowship)
Ask any group what it means to be a Christian, and we will hear different answers. But what unifies us? What are the basic characteristics of our faith that every Christian affirms? In this six-session series, Francis Chan will lead us in an exploration of key concepts common to all Christians through the centuries. No matter what divides us, we are united by these truths about the God we worship and our relationship with him. Facilitator: Alex Banks. Room 206.
The Words in Red
A study in the book of Matthew examining the Words in Red that are shown as the direct quotations of Jesus. Facilitator: Frank Sprinkel. Room 208.

Children’s classes follow “The Gospel Project” curriculum. We have four groups that meet during the school year:
- Nursery (under age 3)
- Preschool (ages 3-4)
- Kindergarten-2nd Grade
- 3rd-5th Grade
Entrance for all children’s classrooms is at the Kids Check-In in the Welcome Center.

Youth classes follow “The Gospel Project” curriculum. We have two groups that meet during the school year:
- Middle School Group (Grades 6-8), Room 307
- High School Group (Grades 9-12), Room 301