
Do you want to get well?

In John 5:6 Jesus asks a question I think we all need to wrestle with: “Do you want to get well?” Many of us are tempted to dismiss the question because we don’t think of ourselves as sick. Yet for Christians a proper understanding of “well” must include growing in...

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Showing Jesus to the next generation

Earlier this summer, I learned that my high-school journalism teacher, one of the most important mentors in my life, had died late last year. In the days that followed, I reconnected with friends from those days I hadn’t talked to since we graduated, and in our online...

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A Partnership We Can Learn From in Alaska

I just wrapped up 10 amazing days filling in for Rev. Joey Chang with our partners at Kake Memorial Presbyterian Church in Alaska. It has given me much to think about, but for today I want to reflect on the value of partnerships like the one we have with Kake...

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The Spirit is Alive!

A well-traveled highway connects Jimma and Gore, Ethiopia. Some of the highway is paved. More significantly to many Christian Ethiopians is the even stronger connection between Gore and Jimma that started with the “coming of the Holy Spirit” and subsequent “Great...

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