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How can I connect to Jesus?

How can I connect to Jesus?

Jesus says that if we want to grow in our spiritual life, we have to abide, or remain, in him. With so much competing for our attention and affections, how do we do it? The good news is God has shown us how. Here are a few, and while it’ll take time and space to use...
True Vine & Friend

True Vine & Friend

< Back to Sermon Gallery Sunday Service True Vine & Friend https://firstpreshbg.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/4.30.23FPC.mp3 Date: April 330th, 2023 John 15:1-17 Series Archive True Vine & Friend Date: April 30th, 2023 John 15:1-17 Farewell, But Not the...
True Vine & Friend

Farewell, But Not the End

< Back to Sermon Gallery Sunday Service Farewell, But Not the End https://firstpreshbg.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/4.23.23FPC.mp3 Date: April 23rd, 2023 John 14:15-31 Series Archive Farewell, But Not the End Date: April 23rd, 2023 John 14:15-31 The Power of Hope...
God’s love endures forever

God’s love endures forever

If the Bible says something more than once, we should pay attention. How about if it says something 17 times in the span of just one chapter? This is what happens in Psalm 136, where God’s people basically tell the story of God’s care and redemption. Then, between...

Easter’s not over yet

Easter isn’t over. According to the Church calendar, Easter Sunday actually began a whole 50-day season of Easter. Just as for the 40 days of Lent we mourned, repented and fasted, for the season of Easter we are supposed to rejoice, celebrate and feast. You would...