Man of Truth

Man of Truth

Come & See < Back to Sermon Gallery 9 AM Service 11:15 AM Service Man of Truth Date: July 24th, 2022 John 7:14-24 Series Archive Glorified Date: September 11th, 2022 John 8:48-58 The Liberating...

Do you believe?

What we believe deeply impacts the way we live. For example, if I believe, like many, that all relatively decent people go to heaven, I’ll try to live a relatively decent life and vaguely hope it is good enough. On the other hand, if I believe that Jesus is the way,...
Sharing Christ’s light to immigrants and refugees

Sharing Christ’s light to immigrants and refugees

Wael Melek, who is completing his studies at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, recently joined First Pres as a pastoral intern. He will be completing an internship through the end of the year. We recently did a Q&A with Wael to get to know him better.  How...