Sunday Service

Date: February 26th, 2023

Matthew 28:16-20 & Galatians 5:13-26

Series Archive

Where are you?

As many of you know, I’m very Socratic in my thinking and love questions, so when my friend and mentor Jim Singleton mentioned that there are six great “evangelism” questions in scripture, I took notes. One of these questions is in Genesis 3:9, where God asks Adam and...

What baseball taught me about Jesus’ call to ‘go’

We were outmatched. Game after game, we just couldn’t get a win. We’d come close – within a point or two – but the losses had piled up, and we were discouraged. Even though we told the kids that it wasn’t about winning, we coaches knew that a win really would lift...

Who put that Bible in your hotel room, and why?

Your first introduction to the Gideons was likely in a hotel room during your travels as you noticed a Bible placed in the room by the international group. We asked Russ Lawrence, a First Pres covenant partner who volunteers with Gideons, to share more about the...

College students are a vital part of our life together

On most Sundays these days, you will see a balcony full of college students at the first service. However, you will also find some serving in the nursery at the same time. After worship, college students briefly fill the hallway outside the sanctuary as they begin to...

How weekday religious education introduces children to Jesus

“It’s more important today than it’s ever been.” That’s Ginger Brubaker’s assessment of the need for Weekday Religious Education, which students can attend during the school day with parental permission. “We have kids that are hearing that God loves them for the first...

How you can serve and pray for Muslims during Ramadan

I could see the weariness in her face. She was tired. She was exhausted from working hard to serve her family. But here she was, just like other days, ready to serve us with a smile and a contagious laugh. She didn’t complain. The extra work was just what she had to...

Wordle and Jesus: An online word game and sharing Jesus

Raise your hand if you’ve played Wordle. Better yet, hit share and show us your squares.   For those who haven’t gotten on board the global word craze, Wordle is an online word game that gives you six chances to guess a five letter word, with hints along the way about...

Thank you from Kentucky

When a mudslide damaged our sister congregation's church in Stopover, Kentucky, we mobilized to send assistance with a small work team. We later collected funding to further help Shepard Memorial get back on their feet. Now, our friends in Kentucky have sent us a...

It’s harvest season. What are you doing?

Fall, or “harvest season,” is my favorite time of year, so I’ve been thinking a lot about the harvest these days. Jesus thought about the harvest, too. In John 4:35, Jesus tells us the “fields are ripe for harvest.” Similarly, in Matthew 9:37-38 Jesus tells us “the...

4 gospel elements that help us grow in Christ

I’ve been thinking about how we grow in Christ and I think the answer will involve a unique mixture of four gospel elements. First, we have to have “gospel content.”  We need the scriptures and the true narrative about who God is and who we are. We need good teaching...