The Great Divide

The Great Divide

Come & See < Back to Sermon Gallery 9 AM Service 11:15 AM Service The Great Divide Date: July 1, 2022 John 7:1-13 Series Archive Jesus Points Us to the Living Water: Are You Thirsty for More?...

Who do you say Jesus is?

Perhaps the most important question for everyone to answer is also an amazingly evangelical question. Jesus himself asks the question in Matthew 16 and in Mark 8 and Luke 9. “Who do you say that I am?” This question is so important because how we answer the...
The Great Divide

Turning Back?

Come & See < Back to Sermon Gallery 9 AM Service 11:15 AM Service Turning Back? Date: July 10th, 2022 John 6:60-70 Series Archive Glorified Date: September 11th, 2022 John 8:48-58 The Liberating...

Do you understand what you’re reading?

I want to consider one of the great evangelism questions we find in scripture. This question comes from Acts 8:30, where Philip asks an Ethiopian eunuch, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The best definition of evangelism is one beggar leading another to food,...