Sunday Service

Date: February 26th, 2023

Matthew 28:16-20 & Galatians 5:13-26

Series Archive

Advent shapes our expectations

I’ve been thinking a lot about expectations. There are always such high expectations around Christmas, and this year those expectations are higher than ever. Some people who had to cancel summer plans because of COVID-19 managed their disappointment by placing their hope on Christmas. Some even set up their Christmas decorations back in August, yet now it appears Christmas will face its own restrictions and many expectations will not be met.

When disappointment comes

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we as Christians should handle frustration and/or disappointment. A wise friend once told me that strong emotion without an expression usually leads to depression. I sense and hear a lot of strong frustration and disappointment out there, and I’m also seeing a lot of depression, so what should we do?

3 Phrases We Should Use More Often

The year 2020, and this week in particular, has me thinking we all need to lean in and use three phrases a lot more than we commonly do. 

Pause or reset? Which button has God pushed?

Lately I’ve been wondering what “button” God has pushed. You see, in many ways most of us have been living like, and perhaps even hoping that, God has merely pushed a “pause” button and that soon things will go back to “normal.”  Yet as the “pause” drags on, I’ve begun to think that perhaps God has pushed the “reset” button.

Anxious? How are your media and scripture intake?

I really enjoyed my vacation and one of the best parts of it was that I didn’t watch the news even once in a three week span. Oh, I read an occasional article or news story, but usually I just skimmed the highlights.

God is getting our attention on racial injustice

These last few months have been strange, yet I’ve been able to rest in God’s promises and sovereignty. I’ve been able to pause and know He is God. He is working out all things according to His plan and purposes. I’m thankful for the ways God has gotten my attention. One of those is highlighting injustices that have occurred throughout history.

Looking for a way to learn more about racism? The Color of Compromise is a good start

What is going on?

In March, I asked it as we began facing the COVID-19 pandemic. And then, a few weeks ago, just as it seemed life was starting to head toward normal, I asked it again as racial divisions erupted across the country.

What is happening? Why are we still grappling with racism? Why is there still so much pain and tension over race relations?

Highlights from our river baptism service

Four children and youth from our congregation were baptized during a worship service held at the North River, and another of our adult covenant partners renewed her baptism vows. Watch highlights from the day.

5 things we learned on mission in London and Dubai

Pastor Jon Heeringa and two of our covenant partners recently returned from nearly two weeks in London and Dubai. There, they learned about Christian outreach in the Muslim world. Jon says he took away several main lessons from their time. Here are Jon's thoughts,...