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Worship is the cornerstone of our connection
Written by Shannon Kiser

WE will sing unto the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with US.

Wow. This last year has been quite a marathon of experiences. In June, we celebrated a full year of being back in worship together physically every Sunday. Over the last few weeks, we have slowly phased out many of the spacing requirements making the sanctuary feel like things are returning to normal.

I am reminded of the short, six verses of Psalm 13. Take a minute and read it  (Well…actually probably 90 seconds). It begins with five desperate questions – four of which begin, “How long…?” These honest questions resonate with me not only as we come out of solitude, but as we return to worship. How long until the sanctuary is filled with people? How long until the choirs sing and ring again? How long do we have before another set of restrictions? What does the Christmas season look like? All of these questions are good and fair, and their answers will come in time.

Out of this despair and questioning, Psalm 13 ends with two uplifting resolutions: “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing unto the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.” He has been so good to us this year!

As the smaller details of our lives hopefully continue returning to normal; and as we move toward the end of this summer, make it a priority to get back to the big, important things first. Worship is the cornerstone of our connection with our heavenly Father and our family of believers. While many of the distancing measures are gone, there is still plenty of room to find a spot safely distanced from others (masked or unmasked) on a Sunday morning. So, over these next few weeks, let’s get back to worship, because the Lord has dealt bountifully with US!