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Women’s Bible Study: An Hour In the Word
Written by Communications Team

It’s one of my favorite hours of the week. One hour of uninterrupted time when I can study the Bible with other Christian women.

As a homeschooling mom of three (two tween-age girls and one active 4 year old boy), this weekly time is a gift. In this hour, I find quiet time away from my dearly loved (but frequently loud) children. I also find something much more life-giving – truth from the Word of God that speaks to encourage my heart.

I’ve attended the Tuesday Women’s Bible Study for two years. When I first started attending, I was eager to find a place to dig deeper into the Word, verse by verse, with other women. And I’ve found that. I’m grateful to be with women who don’t believe that the Bible is an outdated book that no longer holds relevance to our lives today. Rather, these women want to spend time learning more of who God is and what He has done.

As we begin each week, Lila (our teacher) prays that the Holy Spirit would instead be our teacher, and this humble request reminds me again that it is the Lord who does the work; He only asks that we be available to Him. As a new homeschooling mom, I take great comfort in this, knowing that my role is to be available but that I can trust the Lord to be the Teacher of our homeschool. “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)

Join us at noon on Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall. This year we are studying 2 Corinthians. All women – any age, any stage of life – are welcome. Bring a snack, a bag lunch, or just yourself. We’d love to have you there!