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6 new additions to our resource library

6 new additions to our resource library

We've added some new additions to the church library. Go check them out! Books for Adults Screen Kids by Gary Chapman & Arlene Pellicane. "Today, children spend more time interacting with screens and less time playing outside or interacting with family. Screen...

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2 ways you can be more loving

2 ways you can be more loving

As I’ve continued to think about what it would look like for my relationship with the Lord to be “renewed,” one obvious attribute would be I’d become more loving. I say this is obvious because the great command is for us to love God with all that we are. So, of...

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Helping our neighbors in need

Helping our neighbors in need

It is that time of year when we want to help our neighbors in need. This year we will have two opportunities. On Friday, Dec. 22, we host our regular Soup Kitchen. We will be preparing a special Christmas meal and would like to give out Christmas gifts. If you would...

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Why are people leaving churches in America?

Why are people leaving churches in America?

The theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer noted that whenever you're lonely, there's always a church. There's always a church. You can find it just about any place. But not everybody wants to take advantage of that, do they? Why not? I mean, there's so much access. It's so...

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How remembering your baptism can help you stay close to God

How remembering your baptism can help you stay close to God

Do you remember your baptism? It's unlikely that you do if you were baptized as an infant. If, like me, you were baptized as an older child or teenager, you may remember a few details. And even if your baptism was only a few years ago, you probably don't think about...

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Photos: First Pres at Harrisonburg’s Skeleton Fest

Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance's annual Skeleton Fest drew thousands to downtown Harrisonburg on Oct. 7, and we were there with seven decorated cars and some friendly faces to hand out candy and other treats. Here are some photos from the event.  

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