
Featured Article

New year, new day, new mercies

New year, new day, new mercies

Often with the new year we look toward some kind of fresh start but the good news for us as Christians is we don’t have to wait for a new year. Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us that God’s mercies are new every morning, so we can start again today – even if you have...

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Blog Archive

An update from our sister church in Ethiopia

An update from our sister church in Ethiopia

We recently received an update from Solomon at our sister church in Ethiopia. Here is the letter he sent. As you may know, September marks the start of the new year in Ethiopia, as well as the opening of schools for student registration. We took this opportunity to...

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Instead of worrying, think about these things

Instead of worrying, think about these things

What’s on your mind these days? If you’re like me, there’s probably at least one thing that has you worried, at least a little. But over and over in the Bible, we get the message, though, that we should not fear, that we should not worry. But how? In Mindscape: What...

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37 new books added to the library in September

37 new books added to the library in September

Take a look! We have more than three dozen new additions to our church library! These 37 books are on display, so you can't miss them. Come on up to the library and check them out. You can’t miss them: They have bright yellow "new" stickers on their spines. Click here...

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Picture yourself 1 year from now. Will you be transformed?

Picture yourself 1 year from now. Will you be transformed?

I’ve been thinking about expectations and particularly about the kind of expectations we should have of one another in the Church. What sparked this line of thought was a video we watched as part of our officer training where we heard about a man who had been active...

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New Sunday school classes start in October

New Sunday school classes start in October

If you've been wanting to be part of our Sunday school groups, Oct. 6 would be a great day to get started. That day, we have two new classes, one on how to better engage in politics and another on the defining characteristic of grace, that will begin a seven-week...

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One way to combat anxiety

One way to combat anxiety

It is said that we live in an “age of anxiety,” so what should we as Christians do in the face of so much anxiety? One thing I do is turn to Psalm 42. In Psalm 42:5 and again in verse 11, the Psalmist asks, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed (anxious)...

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It’s time to speak about Jesus

It’s time to speak about Jesus

The Bible says there is “a time to be silent and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7b), but how do we know which time it is? When it comes to talking about Jesus, it is a time to speak. And I mean that literally. Lots of people love the quote from Francis of Assisi,...

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A place to love to learn and learn to love

A place to love to learn and learn to love

Last week, while moving my son into college, the chaplain described Grove City College as a place “to love to learn and learn to love.” That line really grabbed me because that is the kind of place I want First Pres to be.  I want us to be a place where people who...

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