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Come and see Jesus in 2022
Written by Brad Jenkins

After the trek to Bethlehem. After the birth in the humble manger. After the shepherds and the wise men and the angels.

After. What then?

Jesus grew. And after several decades, he began to do things that would turn the world upside down. Miracles. Healings. Forgiveness. Hard sayings and parables.

The birth was just the very beginning. All of the rest – the after – is recorded for us in the four gospels. And because we want to know Jesus, because we want to worship him, we are spending 2022 to take an in-depth look at the Jesus we find in the Gospel of John.

In that Gospel, Jesus beckons his disciples to “come and see,” and then later one of those disciples gathers another with those same words.

So, that is what we are going to do in 2022: We are going to come and see who Jesus is, not just to know more about him, but to know him and to worship him.

Come, then, each Sunday as we do. And see your king.