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Our Time or God’s Time?
Written by Pastor Jon Heeringa

Many of our problems come from confusing these two types of time. Abram and Sari confused chronos and kairos when it came to God’s promise of a child. The result was Ishmael but at the kairos, at the right time, Sarah gave birth to Isaac.

I’ve been thinking about this as construction begins on our courtyard adjacent to our sanctuary (see above). You see, I became very impatient and frustrated with all the delays around getting a building permit. Yet the permit came through at just the right time — and construction began on January 27. This is such a kairos moment because on February 17 we are — through a completely different set of circumstances — starting a Lenten sermon series, “Returning and Rebuilding: A Lenten Journey with Ezra and Nehemiah.” Truly God’s timing is perfect. We just need to be patient and seek to align ourselves with it. So in this chronos I’m praying all of us can see and join in God’s kairos.