Leadership & Staff

Meet the team of people who equip us for ministry

Our goal is to equip every covenant partner for ministry. 

The First Pres leadership is here to help everyone live in to their God-given abilities and callings, both inside and outside the church. We believe that all that we do should be done to the glory of God. Our leadership is made up of pastors, elders and deacons who help others do just that.

Jon Heeringa

Jon Heeringa

Senior Pastor

Phone: 540-434-6551
Scott Thayer

Scott Thayer

Associate Pastor

Phone: 540-434-6551
Shannon Kiser

Shannon Kiser

Director of Music & Worship

Phone: 540-434-6551, ext. 120
Vanessa Manson

Vanessa Manson

Director of Children's & Family Ministries

Phone: 540-434-6551
April Gordon

April Gordon

Church Business Administrator

Phone: 540-434-6551
Paul Seddon

Paul Seddon

Facilities Manager

Phone: 540-434-6551
Joyce Jennings

Joyce Jennings


Phone: 540-434-6551
Tim Cassel

Tim Cassel


Phone: 540-434-6551
Gary Edlind Sr.

Gary Edlind Sr.

Director of Visitation Ministries

Brad Jenkins

Brad Jenkins

Commissioned Lay Pastor for Communications

Phone: 540-434-6551
Karen Holl

Karen Holl


Phone: 540-434-6551


The congregation elects Elders each year to lead the church. Elders are expected to be mature followers of Jesus who work together to equip the church to carry out its mission. Elders serve three-year terms and are made up of three different groups of people whose terms expire together. Together, the group is referred to as a Session, and they meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Meetings, held at 6:15 p.m., are open. Those currently serving as elders are listed below.

  • Term Ending at the End of 2027: Dennis Fitzgerald, James Groff, Renee McCulloch, Gloria Price
  • Term Ending at the End of 2026: Brad Cornelius, Mark Graham, Brenda Lenhart, Mary Beth Rhodes
  • Term Ending at the End of 2025: Lyle Jacobsen, Robin Keesee, Rachel Lemn, Phil Saunders, Jeff Stapel


The congregation elects deacons each year to serve in the care and local-missions ministries. Their term ends after the year listed in parentheses.

  • Term Ending at the End of 2027: Meredith Groff, Rebecca Huffman, Emily Larson⁠
  • Term Ending at the End of 2026: Jennifer Cornelius, Charmaine Detrow, Janice Fitzgerald, Ada Hale
  • Term Ending at the End of 2025: Amy Birdsong, Cheryl Cassell, Anne Depoy, Nita Lord, Sarah Price

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