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Annual Meeting

Showker Hall 17 Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA, United States

Join us as we celebrate what God did in 2023 and as we look forward to plans for 2024.


Connections Class

Learn more about the beliefs, ministry and mission of First Pres. Taking the class is a requirement to become a Covenant Partner, but becoming a Covenant Partner is not a requirement after the class.


Women’s Bible Study

Room 205 17 N. Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA

Women’s Bible Study is kicking off the new year with a new teacher & study.    We are excited that Mary Duryea will be leading us through a 4-week study of Habakkuk! This small Old Testament book is packed with relevance for today. Why does God allow evil to (apparently) triumph? The prophet's laments put us in the mind of the Psalms. The questions he asks have been repeated through the ages.  Bring your Bible & a sack lunch if you would like!



Conference Room 17 Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA

We gather to pray for our church, our community, our nation and our world. “Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the greater work.” - Oswald Chambers

Ash Wednesday Dinner & Worship

Ash Wednesday begins a season of reflection and repentance. We will gather for dinner at 5 p.m. in Room 301, followed by a reflective worship service at 6 p.m. in the Sanctuary.


Sundays at First Pres

Sunday mornings at First Pres are centered on worship and also include time between the services for growing and connecting. Our regular schedule, with links to current information, is below. 9 a.m. – Contemporary Praise & Worship At this service you can expect modern songs with drums, guitars and other instruments. People will be wearing everything from jeans to suits, tucked and untucked. You’ll find people of all ages and walks of life. 10:15 a.m. – Between the Services – Discipleship & Sunday School Come meet some people in one of our discipleship groups. These groups are an opportunity to connect with others who are learning and growing in their faith. There are groups for all ages. 11:15 a.m. – Traditional Worship At this service, you can expect a pipe organ, classic hymns and historical texts. You’ll find individuals, couples, families and seniors gathered to worship.


Connections Class

Learn more about the beliefs, ministry and mission of First Pres. Taking the class is a requirement to become a Covenant Partner, but becoming a Covenant Partner is not a requirement after the class.


Women’s Bible Study – The Lord’s Prayer

Room 205 17 N. Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA

The Women’s Bible Study will study “57 Words That Turn the World Upside Down,” a six-week study on the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer. The group will seek to learn what each powerful, extraordinary claim of Jesus really means and how God intends for His Kingdom to reign over everything in heaven and on earth. Facilitated by Teri Jacobsen.



Room 205 17 N. Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA

GriefShare is a group that supports those who are grieving a loss. Meeting weekly for three months, the group includes teaching and connecting with a community with others walking through grief. Meets Wednesdays from 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. from Feb. 21-May 15. If you’re planning to attend, registering helps us know you before you arrive.



Conference Room 17 Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA

We gather to pray for our church, our community, our nation and our world. “Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the greater work.” - Oswald Chambers


Sundays at First Pres

Sunday mornings at First Pres are centered on worship and also include time between the services for growing and connecting. Our regular schedule, with links to current information, is below. 9 a.m. – Contemporary Praise & Worship At this service you can expect modern songs with drums, guitars and other instruments. People will be wearing everything from jeans to suits, tucked and untucked. You’ll find people of all ages and walks of life. 10:15 a.m. – Between the Services – Discipleship & Sunday School Come meet some people in one of our discipleship groups. These groups are an opportunity to connect with others who are learning and growing in their faith. There are groups for all ages. 11:15 a.m. – Traditional Worship At this service, you can expect a pipe organ, classic hymns and historical texts. You’ll find individuals, couples, families and seniors gathered to worship.



Room 205 17 N. Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA

GriefShare is a group that supports those who are grieving a loss. Meeting weekly for three months, the group includes teaching and connecting with a community with others walking through grief. Meets Wednesdays from 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. from Feb. 21-May 15. If you’re planning to attend, registering helps us know you before you arrive.