Pickleball Bible Study
Showker Hall 17 Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA, United StatesAmidst the current pickleball craze, First Pres is offering a time to play (or learn how to play) pickleball along with fellowship/prayer and a short Bible study. Those interested are asked to invite an unchurched friend to come and participate with you. This is a five-week session being held on Monday mornings from 10 a.m to 11:30 am. during October beginning Oct. 3. A court has been installed in Showker Hall and paddles will also be available for those just beginning. Our Bible Study will be Frances Chan's "Greater Than.". Register early because space is limited. To register or if you have questions, contact Annette Sprinkel at (540) 578-2871 or Donna Miller at (540) 487-3149. Come with a friend and exercise your body and your mind.