Sunday discipleship opportunities for all ages

4 Names for One Mission

 When is the last time you asked someone, “May I share with you how God’s love changed my life, and how he can change yours, too?” 

We’re on a mission from God!

God wants us to declare to others, with a spirit of celebration, our personal story of what he has done for us in Jesus Christ!

But are we? Are you? Am I?

Be inspired and equipped to share your story with someone… by Easter Sunday!

To prepare: reflect on I Peter 2:9-10, and ask, “Why did God give us these four names? How do these names empower me to tell my story?”

P.S. Bring your Bible to class!

Facilitator: Joe Henriques. Room 205.

Science & Faith

Modern Science asserts that God is no longer necessary to explain the existence of all things including life. Also, the earth is just an insignificant speck among countless specks in the universe. These assertions have weakened the faith of millions of people. This class will challenge these assertions to show the absolute necessity for God in creation of the universe, the creation of life, and the exceptionally unique nature of the planet we call home. Facilitator: Jeff Jordan. Room 201.

Back to Basics

There is a legend that Hall of Fame coach Vince Lombardi would start a new season by telling the players “Gentlemen, this is a football,” even if they had just won the Super Bowl the year before. If getting the fundamentals right is good for sports, then how much more so it is for us in our Christian lives! Join us as we begin a study of basic Christian doctrines, things you may know, but it’s still important to have a refresher. Each week we will look at topics ranging from the Bible, the Trinity, the Church, the end times and everything in between. Facilitator: Scott Dove. Room 202.

The Heart of God (B.F. Wilson Men’s Fellowship)

What thoughts come to mind when you think of God? Do you wonder what he’s like, what he thinks about you, or what he wants for you? The good news is that we don’t have to go far to find answers. God tells us all we need to know about who he is and what he’s like—about his heart—and why that matters for our lives. In this six-session series, author Francis Chan takes students on a journey of discovery to the heart of God. Participants will walk away knowing God better and loving him more.
Facilitator: Alex Banks. Room 206.

The Words in Red

A study in the book of Matthew examining the Words in Red that are shown as the direct quotations of Jesus. Facilitator: Frank Sprinkel. Room 208.

Children’s classes follow “The Gospel Project” curriculum. We have four groups that meet during the school year:

  • Nursery (under age 3)
  • Preschool (ages 3-4)
  • Kindergarten-2nd Grade
  • 3rd-5th Grade

Entrance for all children’s classrooms is at the Kids Check-In in the Welcome Center.

Youth classes follow “The Gospel Project” curriculum. We have two groups that meet during the school year:

  • Middle School Group (Grades 6-8), Room 307
  • High School Group (Grades 9-12), Room 301