An update from our sister church in Ethiopia
Written by Communications Team

We recently received an update from Solomon at our sister church in Ethiopia. Here is the letter he sent.

As you may know, September marks the start of the new year in Ethiopia, as well as the opening of schools for student registration. We took this opportunity to utilize the funds you transferred to the Jimma congregation. After careful discussions among the elders and the Diakonia committee, we identified widows, orphans and other vulnerable individuals within our community to support. This included people with disabilities.

During this period, the following assistance was provided to the beneficiaries: 24 individuals received flour, oil and cash support, and orphans were provided with school materials, including exercise books and other stationeries.

In addition, monthly cash support for house rent was paid to a widow, and we continued covering medical expenses for sick widows and other destitute individuals in the community. One of the widows was even able to complete the construction of a house with the help of your support, and the family is now living in their new home.

I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the families of FPC, the Global Mission Committee, Sessions, Pastors, and all volunteers for your partnership and generous support. May God bless your service in His ministry.

As current elders of the Jimma congregation, we would also like to humbly request your prayers for the following:

  • New Congregation of Elders In mid-December 2024, we plan to appoint a new group of elders. Please pray that God will provide us with committed servants for this responsibility.
  • Evangelism at the Metenso Outpost We recently secured a graveyard with your support for our members in Metenso, where evangelism activities are ongoing. A month ago, we sent a team from Jimma for outreach in the area. Now, we are preparing to send a larger team of 15-16 members to further spread the Gospel. Please keep this mission and team in your prayers.
  • New Outpost Around Jimma We aim to establish an outpost in a predominantly Muslim area near Jimma. Although we have found a strategic location and secured land, we are currently unable to afford its purchase. In the meantime, we plan to rent a house and begin worship services with a few members in the area. We are also in the process of securing government permission. An evangelist has already been assigned and is serving the few members there. We ask for your prayers as we pursue this mission.

You are always in our thoughts and prayers, and we remain committed to working together for God’s mission and kingdom. Victory belongs to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Church of Christ.

May God bless you all abundantly.