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How to pray for college students
Written by Communications Team

Lia Gonzalez, one of our covenant partners who is in college, wanted to encourage us with some idea for prayers for college students. Here’s what she wrote.

Christian college students face unique challenges that require unique prayers. Not only do they have to adjust to a new living environment with people with all kinds of values and ambitions, but they also have to make decisions (often daily!) that will significantly change the course of their lives. And, like everything in life, these decisions are followed by good or bad consequences. It is our duty as a church to create a discipline of consistent, daily prayer for the younger generation.

We must have hope that God will use young people to glorify his Name and to be a light to everyone they meet.

When praying for these students, the church should be unified in bringing up these unique requests to God.

  • That they may be given the armor of God so that they can stand their ground and say “no” to temptation (saying “no” to certain parties, drugs, sexual temptation, pride, laziness, etc.)
  • That God will give them courage and self-control: Courage to swim against the current and self-control to make wise decisions – even if it means alienating themselves from their peers
  • That God will protect them and “Hide [them] in the shadow of his wings” and keep them from danger
  • That the Lord will provide them with good, godly friends and mentors. Friends and mentors that will point them to Jesus at all times, even when it means calling them out on their sins and re-directing them in the path of truth
  • That they may find a welcoming congregation with which they can worship away from home: A godly church that preaches the truth of the gospel, even when culturally controversial
  • Finally, that God will instill in them a desire and a hunger for Him and his word. That these college students will seek God with all their heart – this includes constant prayer and a discipline of reading the Bible and meditating in it. God, in turn, will grant them the kind of joy and contentment – and a fullness of life – that only He can give.

We come to God knowing that He is a good father and he cares about the younger generations. Nothing is impossible to Him.