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What we’re praying for the new school year
Written by Brad Jenkins

God, we acknowledge that your Word is correct when it says that true wisdom comes from knowing you. So we pray that our children would not just accumulate facts as they learn. In their learning, let them see the Source of all that they learn: that you alone are God and have made all things for your glory. And fill our children not just with knowledge but wisdom that seeks you.

As our children learn about the world, inspire them to serve others. As they learn about the nations of the world, grow their desire to share the Gospel with all nations. And help them to find ways to serve their fellow students and their teachers by sharing a kind word or a deed that is done in love. Give our children open hands to serve you in their schools and homes.

We pray for our children’s hearts and emotions. As they transition to a new season of life, help those who are anxious or uncertain. Let this be a moment when they see and experience your solid faithfulness. We pray, too, that our children would learn to call on you when they are nervous or scared. Let them experience the peace that comes from knowing Jesus.

Wherever our children go to school, let their steps be guided by the Holy Spirit. Protect their steps and watch over their coming and their going. Keep them safe, not just physically but spiritually and emotionally. Be their shield and their defense, their guide and their shepherd. And give them feet that take the Good News to their friends and teachers.
