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How persistent are your prayers?
Written by Pastor Jon Heeringa

In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus tells his disciples both then and now the parable of the persistent widow. If you are not familiar with the parable, basically a widow gets justice because she won’t leave an unjust judge alone.

Luke 18:1 tells us the point of the parable is “to show [us] that [we] should always pray and not give up.” The parable lifts up that persistence in prayer pays off, and all the more because God is our heavenly Father and nothing like an unjust judge. Yet Jesus ends the parable by asking “when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

In my own life, that is a convicting question. I have people who don’t know the Lord and I’ve been praying for them for years and they still don’t know the Lord. Thus, it is tempting to move on and pray for something or someone else. There are lots of other examples, so the question is: Do I have faith that God is good and will answer my prayer in the best way and time possible? If I stop and think about it, the answer is obvious, and so I persist in prayer. How about you?