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Youth Small Groups

Chick-fil-A 1691 East Market Street, Harrisonburg

Middle- and high-school students gather for friendship and for a Bible study. Join us for some breakfast and time together at Chick-fil-A. Inclement weather policy: If Rockingham County schools are closed or on a delay, small group will not be held.



Room 205 17 N. Court Square, Harrisonburg

GriefShare is a group that supports those who are grieving a loss. Meeting weekly for three months, the group includes teaching and connecting with a community with others walking through grief. Meets Wednesdays from 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. starting Sept. 13 through Dec. 13. If you're planning to attend, registering helps us know you before you arrive.  



Conference Room 17 Court Square, Harrisonburg

We gather to pray for our church, our community, our nation and our world. “Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the greater work.” - Oswald Chambers

Dinner with Ethiopian Elders

Showker Hall 17 Court Square, Harrisonburg

Join us on Wednesday, September 27th at 6:30 p.m. in Showker Hall for a great time of eating together and getting to know two elders from our sister congregation in Jimma, Ethiopia. Here is what we need you to bring. (Please bring enough of your item to feed 12 people.) People with last names beginning with A – I > bring a dessert People with last names beginning with J – R > bring a hot dish (meat, potatoes, beans, mac & cheese, broccoli, etc) People with last names beginning with S – Z > bring a salad