Where does technology fit in with our faith?
Written by Pastor Jon Heeringa

This sabbatical has been a huge blessing on so many levels one of which is the opportunity it has afforded me to think deeply. One of the things I’ve been thinking more deeply about is the proper place for virtual or digital technology in the Church and life of faith moving forward. I say interesting because as it turns out, digital technology encourages us toward skimming and task completion rather than thinking deeply, but as scripture reminds us, there is a time and place for everything.

Thanks to some of my reading (“Digital Life Together: The Challenge of Technology for Christian Schools” by Smith, Sevesma, Terstra and McMullen), I’ve learned that technology is a tool, a medium and a social practice. I’m particularly struck by the way technology as a medium influences, and actually forms, us. I wonder: How it is forming us as Christians? I’m sure it is forming us for both good and ill, so the key is to take a wise approach to technology that maximizes the good and minimizes the ill. One resource I highly commend to you is the book “The Tech-Wise Family” by Andy Crouch. It is a very accessible and helpful book that “nudges” us to put technology in its proper place so it can help us become the people God has called us to be.

Lots to think about! But know this: You are missed.